Grief Resources

Resources for Grief (A Place to Start)

Online support and daily encouragement:

The pastors and our Christian Counselor are available to meet with you and can provide contact information for professional grief counselors.


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For Children and/or Talking with Children about Death

Biale, Rachel.  My Pet Died. (Workbook for grades PK -3)

Brown, Laurie Krasny, and Marc Brown.  When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death.

Doka, Kenneth, ed.  Children Mourning, Mourning Children.  (for parents)

Grollman, Earl A. Explaining Death to Children.

Rylant, Cynthia. Cat Heaven.  (Loss of pets)

Rylant, Cynthia. Dog Heaven.  (Loss of pets)

Schaefer, Dan, and Christine Lyons. How Do We Tell the Children?  Helping Children Understand and Cope When Someone Dies.

Simon, Norma.  The Saddest Time. (Fiction, grade level 1-4)

Spelman, Cornelia.  After Charlotte’s Mom Died.  (Fiction, grade level K-3)

Spelman, Cornelia.  When I Feel Sad. (Grade level, PK – 1)

Vigna, Judith.  Saying Goodbye to Daddy. (Fiction, grade level PK – 2)


For Older Children/Young Teenagers

Henkes, Kevin.  Sun and Spoon.  (Fiction, grade level 3-7)

Grollman, Earl A. Straight Talk About Death for Teenagers: How to Cope with Losing Someone You Love.

O’Toole, Donna B. Facing Change: Falling Apart and Coming Together in the Teen Years.


For Adults

Albom, Mitch.  Tuesdays with Morrie.

Dunn, Bill, and Kathy Leonard. Through a Season of Grief: Devotions for Your Journey from Mourning to Joy.

Five Wishes. (Advance Directive)

Grollman, Earl A. Living When a Loved One Has Died.

Lewis, C.S. A Grief Observed.

Nouwen, Henri.  Our Greatest Gift: Meditations on Dying and Caring. 

Oswald, Roy.  Transforming Rituals: Daily Practices for Changing Lives.

Richardson, Jan.  The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief.

Rupp, Joyce.  Praying Our Goodbyes.

Westberg, Granger.  Good Grief.

Whitmer, Michelle, and Pacheco, Walter. Coping with the Loss of a Loved One to Mesothelioma

Wright, H. Norman.  Recovering from Losses in Life.


For All Ages

Schweibert, Pat, and Chuck DeKylen. Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss (Fable)


Stillness and Rest

Resources for Sabbath (A Place to Start)

The pastors and our Christian Counselor are available to meet with you and can provide contact information for professional counselors.


Apps for Smartphones

Bible Gateway (Bible app)                                                                              YouVersion (Bible app)

Lectio 365 (Devotionals)                                                                                 Pray As You Go (Devotionals)

Reimaging the Examen (Guided reflection)


For Children

We recommend family time: games, hikes, or other shared experiences that help the whole family rest.

One prayer idea is a “prayer bowl” with rocks, balls, or Lego people in it; use items that connect well with them.  The bowl represents God’s love and caring.  Each child/parent places an item in the bowl and names a prayer concern, placing it in God’s love.  Some use a prayer jar or box, and children draw or write prayer concerns on paper and place them in the jar or box for family prayer time.

Our Sunday School curriculum (Orange) is a faith journey for parents and children.

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Friends with God Story Bible and Devotion Books. (Elementary Age)

Koceich, Matt.  A to Z Devotions for Brave Boys. (Elementary Age)

Li’l Buddies Board Books: God Made Me, God is For Me, God is Good, God is Near, etc.  (Toddler/Pre-K)

McIntosh, Kelly. A to Z Devotions for Courageous Girls. (Elementary Age)

Sose, Bonnie. Designed by God So I Must Be Special.


For Youth/Students

App: d365 (smartphone app)

The Awakened Life for High School Students: Finding Stillness in an Anxious World.

10-Minute Moments – The Red Stuff: Exploring the Words of Jesus.  (Devotional book)

Rood, Lars.  Freshman: Making Your Faith a Priority. (Devotional Book for 8th/9th graders)


For Adults

Abegg, Jimmy, compiler.  Ragamuffin Prayers.

Brother Lawrence.  Practicing the Presence of God.

Celtic Daily Prayer Volumes I and II.

Foster, Richard.  Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth.

Goff, Bob.  Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365-Day Journey.

Guenther, Margaret.  My Soul in Silence Waits: Meditations on Psalm 62.

Powell, Kara E., and Steven Argue.  Growing With. (Parent’s guide with teens/young adults in faith)

O’Donahue, John.  To Bless the Space Between Us.  (Collection of Prayers)

Loder, Ted.  Guerrillas of Grace.  (Collection of Prayers)

Taylor, Barbara Brown.  An Altar in the World.

Thompson, Marjorie J. Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life.

Thurman, Howard. Meditations of the Heart.

How To Help

Resources for How to Help

  1. Pray for the person you know who is going through a difficult time.
  2. Find a time to talk in person to share why they have been on your heart. Take this opportunity to ask how they are.  Do not push; allow them to share at their own pace.
  3. For GRIEF: Look for opportunities to help in tangible ways.  You may be able to cut the grass, offer a lift, run an errand, pick up groceries, take a meal, or handle other needed tasks around a home or yard.

For DEPRESSION: People may feel like, “I can’t do anything because it will not matter.”  You may be able to assist in doing the things above but be sure to do them together.  Be with them.

For ANXIETY: People may feel like, “I am fearful to do anything; it is not safe.”  You may be able to assist in doing the things above but do them together.  Be with them.

  1. Simply listen … with a non-demanding, non-judgmental, non-anxious spirit.
  2. When someone wants to share with you, here are some helpful phrases.

What is it like for you today?

Tell me more.

I can’t imagine what that is like.

I don’t know what to say, except that we care about you.

  1. Do not use trite phrases. Some people may find these phrases helpful, but many find them hurtful and not sensitive to the situation.  It is best to avoid them.

“God won’t give you more than you can handle.”

“When God closes a door, God opens a window.”

“Everything happens for a reason.”

“Time heals all wounds.”

“What does not kill you will make you stronger.”

“God needed another angel in heaven.”

“You’re lucky … At least you’re not … I had it much worse …”

  1. If the person is in danger of hurting self or others, contact 911.
  2. Look for meaningful, low-stress ways to spend time together: watch a ballgame, meet for coffee, take a walk. Sharing time and listening will reinforce caring and presence.
  3. Send a card. Include a scripture passage, such as Psalm 121, Psalm 139, Psalm 23.
  4. Call or text. Follow up.  Set a day in which you can meet again in the near future in person and repeat the process.
  5. Ebenezer has various support groups. You can connect the person with Stafford Hope.  [link]  We have three pastors and a Christian counselor on staff, as well as connections to other counseling services in the area.